Photo: Jose Ibeas

Jose Ibeas

Jose Ibeas, M.D. Ph.D. Master’s Degree in Evidence-based Medicine. Postgraduate in Big Data Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Life Sciences. Director of the Clinical, Interventional and Computational Nephrology Group of the Research and Innovation Institute of Parc Taulí University Hospital (, Coordinator of the Vascular Access Program ( and Member of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Parc Taulí University Hospital, Sabadell, Barcelona. President of the Vascular Access Society (VAS), Vice-President of the Spanish Multidisciplinary Group on Vascular Access (GEMAV), Secretary of the Vascular Access Working Group of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, member of the Vascular Access Working Group of the Catalan Society of Nephrology, Council of the Interventional Nephrology working group of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, Past-member of the council of the International Committee of the American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology, Chair of the Clinical Guidelines on Vascular Access of the GEMAV, member of the European Vascular Access Guidelines Group of the ERA-EDTA and member of the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Chronic Renal Disease Group of the Spanish National Health System. Member of the Artificial Intelligence working group of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. Director of the Master in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Health of Parc Tauli University Hospital & School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Barcelona ( Director of numerous national and international courses and symposia, in particular, the Co-chair of the 9th Congress of the Vascular Access Society (2015), Chair of the First and Second GEMAV Meetings (2019, 2020).

Key published article (PDF format)

Spanish clinical guidelines on vascular access for haemodialysis

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