Monica Schoch
Monica Schoch has been a Lecturer in Nursing at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia since 2009. Prior to this she was the vascular access coordinator for Barwon Health Renal Services, Geelong, where she was the founding convener (now co-convener) of the highly successful ‘Advanced care workshop for dialysis access’, for the past 12 years. She was a member of the executive committee of the Nephrology Educators Network (NEN) from 2007 to 2017, where she led teams to build internationally renowned vascular access and buttonhole cannulation E-learning modules. She served on the Renal Society of Australasia (RSA) Education Committee as the coordinator and co-convener of 18 vascular access workshops around Australia and New Zealand from 2017 to 2020. She is currently a member of the RSA journal editorial board and scientific committee. Monica is also on the editorial board of 2 international vascular access journals. She has a keen interest in research related to renal vascular access, in particular, ultrasound and plastic cannula and is currently undertaking her PhD on use of point of care ultrasound for renal access assessment and cannulation.