Jernej Pajek
Prof. Jernej Pajek, MD, PhD, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Zaloška 2, 1525 Ljubljana, consultant in internal medicine and nephrology (2008-), head physician of the Center for peritoneal dialysis and chronic hemodialysis at UMC Ljubljana (2015-), professor in the field of internal medicine (University of Ljubljana, 2020-), PhD thesis in Biocompatibility of solutions for peritoneal dialysis, 2006). Lecturer in the field of vascular access with current practice on all aspects of interventional nephrology. Regular lecturer at annual Slovenian and international PD Academy and PD Forum events. Certified in Executive healthcare leadership, Cornell university (eCornell), Ithaca, NY, USA (October, 2018-) and certified Quality systems manager (Slovenian Association for Quality and Excellence 2013-). A member of Vascular Access Society council (2017-), with ongoing intensive activity in the field of interventional nephrology and licensed in echocardiography (Association of Cardiologists of Slovenia 2008-). Publications: for the exact list of published Pubmed manuscripts please see: In the field of vascular access I’m mostly dedicated to all aspects of ultrasound diagnostic and interventional procedures and vascular access surgery.