Photo: Antonio Norton de Matos

Antonio Norton de Matos

Antonio Norton de Matos is a Vascular and Transplant Surgeon currently working as a Consultant in Vascular Surgery and in Centro de Acessos Vasculares (Vascular Access Center) of G.E.V. – Grupo de Estudos Vasculares, dealing with 24 dialysis private centers in the North and Center of Portugal with 2,300 patients, performing vascular access creation, revision and treatment of complications. Since his graduation as Vascular Surgeon (1984), he dedicated a great deal of his activity to make vascular access for haemodialysis (HD) and kidney transplantation. His group of G.E.V. is strongly investing in development of new surgical techniques and in publishing and presenting the results of its activity on international meetings. Since 2017 Antonio Norton de Matos is a Council Member of VAS.

Key published article (PDF format)

Surgical Treatment of Cephalic Arch Stenosis through Rotation of the External Jugular Vein

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